Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Paris connections - new DVD

I've just heard there is a new dvd out soon called Paris Connections.  How about this for an innovative idea?  Tesco is funding the film and Trudie Styler, Sting's wife is centrepiece in its production.  I cannot believe it.  Whatever next....Morrisons Productions, Asda Associated Films, Lidl Works?

Are they going to give you extra clubcard points just to buy it.  I don't know, I'm a bit dubious about its success.  But I will be the first to cheer if it makes headlines.  It's movies on a small scale but apparently it's supposed to be a high-end feature.  The Guardian asked if it would be one of Tesco's Finest range.  I had to stifle a snort, I'm afraid...

Take a look at

I tried to get on the site, but their blog was down.  Looks like they used the Tesco Value server.  Either that or there's been a massive influx of interest.  I doubt the latter and think it may well be down to dodgy wiring or the slip of the technician's hand.  Oh well, let's hope their producing is First Choice.

Enjoy, people.  I better get back to my day job.  The one that pays the rent.  Happy musings....

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