Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Found Things

Watercolour by Golly Bard
I found this wonderful watercolour at Golly Bard's Shop on Etsy.com.  Take a look at http://www.etsy.com/shop/GollyBard?ref=seller_info 

It is just the most gorgeously simple discovery I've made in a long time.  I love it!

And what did I get up to?

I paid a visit, this weekend, to an old favourite place of mine - Steep Hill, Lincoln.  I just love its windy, wobbly streets and the steep ascent to the gorgeous Lincoln Cathedral (where they filmed parts of the Da Vinci Code).  It really oozes history and if you manage to get there, make sure you take a rest half way. It's a Steep Hill.  Aptly named.  Around the same place you'll find the leaning lampost - you can't miss it - it really doesn't look sober.

It was whilst resting my weary husband here that I discovered this gem of a vintage shop.  Take a look at http://www.tastyvintage.com/index.php.  Wow - so beautifully laid out and with really exquisite and wearable vintage items.  Time stood still in the back room where I found myself emotionally snagged to the antique lace and corsetry, tucked away very discreetly and aesthetically at the back of the boutique.  It took two rounds of the shop before I could be dragged out, empty handed and against my will, by my better half.

Take care, lovely people.  Happy accidents and lucky finds to you all.

Chris xxx

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